Bangladesh Sick Christian Help Poor Povery

A Prayer for a Meeting House in Ullodanga Bangladesh

Praise the Lord,

Christ’s love to the brethren. We are giving thanks and praise to Almighty God. He shows His love and mercy in our life as we do His will. We are also thankful to all brethren because they pray for us.

Ullodanga Mission Field & Fellowship

We are heartily praising God because of new believers. We are praying for Ullodanga field. This field we have one pastor who is working there. He is giving spiritual bread (the Word of God). We baptized some people who have accepted Jesus Christ as a savior here and w are serving God’s word to them in that field to disciple them. We don’t have specific place to fellowship in that field so we are praying for a suitable place for church house. We fellowship outside or in a corridor which is frowned upon. That’s why 2 days ago we went to Ullodanga field to see some places to build a small meeting house. Most of the people don’t own a house , they rent, and the ones who do it’s very small home with no suitable room even for a small, simple structure. We are trying to find somebody nearby to give us his unused land to build the Church. We need more prayer and searching, we believe God will provide us the land.

Machiyara Mission Field & Fellowship

Every Sunday and Friday Pastor Tapon and the Sunday school teacher are attending Church for service and class. People are very happy to attend as they are learning much. Last month, we baptized 11 people from this church and they are attending every Sunday fellowship and taking communion. Children are learning from Sunday school teacher Hanna who is really a very good and lovely teacher to them. She visits every Friday to children’s home and talks with their parents on how to live a Christian life.

We have a special prayer request saints, when we built this church, we could not complete the plaster for the floor because of the new soil. We had to wait some months for it to settle. We can now complete the floor so we need prayer and support for that.

Another special prayer is for Pastor Tapon’s daughter Clara, she is very sick and needs proper treatment. We are praying, please pray for his daughter.

Land Project

We are praising to the Lord for His gift to us, He is really great, He gave us the land for Bangladesh mission work, and we are using it properly with vegetable, fish and shrimp project. From this month, we are getting some vegetables from the field, the first harvest is coming. We are hoping in winter, our next season to plant, we will get huge vegetable harvest so we can provide for each of our mission leaders and their families. Please also pray for the land and great harvests for His glory.

Lastly, you will see a video of my family and I signing to the LORD. We are so very thankful to you all for your prayer and financial support to the Bangladesh mission. We ask please pray every day and every time for us and our mission as the needs are great and the labourers are few. God bless you and yours. Amen. -Brother Hilton Biswas

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