Author: Jimmy

Bangladesh Christian Schoools Start February 2021 Jesus God

3 Christian Schools in Bangladesh Launched

Praise the Lord. We are working day & night with His blessing. We are very thankful to the Lord that we can start our Christian Schools in Bangladesh on our 3 mission fields. On the 13th of February we visited the mission fields and talked to all members as weRead More

Winter Blankets Blessing the Bangladesh Brethren

Winter Blankets Bless the Brethren in Bangladesh

We have 300 families in our Bangladesh fellowships and many needed winter blankets. We were able to provide 52 precious souls with these warm blankets so far this season. There is no electricity in these poor, remote villages so they only way they can keep warm is by covering themselvesRead More

the saints of Bangladesh serving Jesus Donate

The Saints of Bangladesh Walk in Jesus’ Footsteps

The holy saints of Bangladesh are “walking as He (JESUS) walked” as commanded in 1st John 2:6. They continue to serve the Lord day and night by evangelizing, preaching and teaching while taking care of the orphan, widow and least of these. A huge blessing is upon this blessed missionRead More

Global Mission for Children Bangladesh Jesus Update November 2020

The Bangladesh Brethren “Walking as Jesus Walked”

The dear Bangladesh brethren are obeying God’s word, verse by verse. One being 1st John 2:6 “He that saith he abideth in him ought himself also so to walk, even as he walked.” You can see in the pictures that they are evangelizing from house to house, praying for andRead More

Walking as Jesus Walked Banner Bangladesh Jesus Christian

Walking as Jesus Walked in Bangladesh – 1st John 2:6

From local fellowship teaching and worshipping the Lord to passing out Gospel tracts and praying for the downtrodden, the faithful Bangladesh brethren are following in His steps ministering the Good News. THEY TEACH HOW ONE MUST “WALK AS JESUS WALKED” HERE ON EARTH TO MAKE HEAVEN 1st John 2:6 “HeRead More

The Lord's Work in Bangladesh Banner

Prayer, Preaching & Poultry in Bangladesh

From our 2 remote village mission fields comes the blessings of preaching, teaching, serving and even a new chicken coop for 100 chickens. This will provide much needed sustenance and a little income for some dear brethren that have been struggling greatly, especially since the lockdown. Join us in helpingRead More

GMFC Teaching and Worshiping Jesus is Bangladesh Christian God

Teaching & Worshiping Jesus in Bangladesh

The lockdown in the 3rd World puts great restrictions that the governments uphold with much force, if necessary. We are blessed that the leaders on the mission fields are wise and serpents and do everything in their power to continue to fellowship and feed the flock both Spiritually and physicallyRead More

GMFC Farm in Bangladesh How to Christian Grow Food

The GMFC Farm is in Full Operation

Years of hard work has truly paid off. Financial seeds as well as much prayer resulted in an incredibly self-sustaining farm on our mission field in Bangladesh. In fact, we are now able to incubate about 500 duck and chicken eggs per month which will be sold as well asRead More

Prayer for GMFC Bangladesh Chicken Farming Pen Pastor Namai

A Prayer for a Bangladesh Village Pastor

I have been incredibly blessed to be able to support and disciple brother Namai Sarkar. He has been a faithful servant of Christ and with our ministry since 2017. He is very poor and we have decided to start a business for him so he can become self-sufficient. Here isRead More

incubator bangladesh christian Jesus

Duck & Chicken Eggs are Incubating in Bangladesh

Another great blessing is happening on the Bangladesh mission field as we have just installed the first duck and chicken eggs in the incubator we bought a few months back. A big delay to get electricity because of the lockdown but it’s installed now and working. Please consider helping usRead More

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