bANGLADESH uPDATE christian school Collage

Bangladesh Churches, Farm & Christian School Update

Praise the Lord. First, I am giving thanks to the Lord, Jesus Christ. He is always with us and blessing our steps and works for spreading His Kingdom as we obey and abide in HIM. We are also thankful to our brothers and and sisters, those who are praying for us and giving blessing (financial) seeds for the Bangladesh mission. From the Holy Bible; Revelation 1:8 “I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.” We believe that He is the Alpha and Omega. He was always with His true Saints and still is as He was with those in past generations who believed and endured ‘til the end (the few who will enter Heaven). God will never leave us and will author out eternal salvation if we obey Him ’til our last breath. Heb 5:9 “And being made perfect, he became the author of eternal salvation UNTO ALL THEM THAT OBEY HIM.”

I am writing to the “churches” that celebrate unholy days to their souls great determent. On 25th December, the whole world observes a fake and false “Christmas” as “Christ’s” birthday. Nowhere in the bible does it say when Jesus was born… HE hates these “days”… Amos 5:21 “I hate, I despise your feast days, and I will not smell in your solemn assemblies.” That day, we had church serves at all our churches. Dyaniel and & went to Machira and Ullodanga and had wonderful fellowship with the church members. At first, we went to Machira church then Ullodanga church. I preached Gospel to them in both churches. I told them the date is not important, the important fact is why did Jesus come in this world? We have to clearly understand the reason of His coming. He came as a sin offering and everyone has the opportunity to go to HIM. His love however is conditional and you are only His friend “IF”: John 15:14 “Ye are my friends, IF ye do whatsoever I command you.”

We preached that you have listen God’s words eagerly (hear), obey it and endure ’til the end to be finally saved. Matthew 10:22 And ye shall be hated of all men for my name’s sake: but he that endureth to the end shall be saved.” We prayed for them and they all were very happy to know that the day is not important but His coming is very important to us. His commands are very important to us. Now they know and they are living with His blessing. They are very poor and this is the winter season. So, many of them are suffering from cold. We are very glad and grateful for special blessing seeds that we got from the brethren. We bought blankets for the church members. We will give blankets to them Saturday, January 5th.

Now I will update on our land/farm/fish pond. Everything is going great as we are cultivating vegetables on this land as well as fish in the pond. Everything is good by the grace of God. Oftentimes we pick vegetables and fish which is a great blessing. We are constructing a house on the land to be able to tend to it in a much better way so we don’t have to travel to it and also for security reasons. We have not completed it yet because of the national parliament election and this time people are busy for cutting paddy(rice). We already bought the blocks and have started the building again on Saturday January 5th. So please pray for us and our every works.

Now I will update the GMFC Christian Grammar School. God bless the first GMFC School in Bangladesh. As you know it’s a mission school in Khulna where we are teaching children basic education and most importantly, God’s word. We are glad to complete our 2nd year of the school. These two years we had been faced with many problems but God has been with us all the way. The school year ends in December and that day we called all guardians with students at school and published their children’s results form the school year. We also had guardians meeting and talked with them about their children’s improvements, deficits, education and also others things. We asked them give their opinion about the school, education system and curriculum. They didn’t have any bad opinions about our school or education system, praise Jesus as we are in a country that is 90% Muslim and 9% Hindu. They are happy with this curriculum and school. We gave them some snacks and spoke about next year and our new admissions in school. We inspired and requested all guardians to admit their children and tell their neighbors to send their children to our school. Even we have taken further step, we sent our school teachers house to house in hopes to reach more students.

Please pray for all the brethren who labour and our school so that we can get more students and teach them right education and God’s words. Especially pray our mission work and the post parliament election that was held on December 30th as they protest the corrupt system. Parliament election makes chaos everywhere so this is a very critical time for us. Pray for everything. We are praying for you and your family. May God bless you and yours. Amen. -Bro Hilton Biswas (Bangladesh Overseer)

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