Practical Reasons Africans and Others in the 3rd World are Stuck in Poverty

Ignorant people say to us “why do you send all your money to ‘them over there’ when we have poor in this country”? “Why don’t these people work hard to take care of themselves”? Answer below: CLICK LINKS BELOW Find all our mission fields here Bible commands on serving theRead More

May 15th – July 22nd 2024 Global Mission For Children – Working Faith Fellowship Updates


Kenya – Ethiopia – Uganda – Tanzania – India & Bangladesh April – May 14th 2024 Update

Working Faith Fellowship Bangladesh – Global Mission for Children Feb 2024 Mission Update

Please watch the wonderful update below and also kindly help these precious souls by clicking here.

2023 Update Working Faith Fellowship Bangladesh & Global Mission for Children

Founder & Volunteer Jimmy MAKES IT 2 Bangladesh After a Decade of Ministry 11-2023

FINALLY! Here’s the story….

Bangladesh Mission Update September 2023 GMFC / WFF Bangladesh

A video says a million words… Please, watch the Bangladesh Mission Update:

GMFC / WFF Bangladesh Update August 2023

The Original Update from WFF Bangladesh Praise the Lord Christ’s love to you all dear brethren from Bangladesh. At first we are giving all glory and praise to the Lord, because of His wonderful love, mercy, strength and blessings for us and Bangladesh mission. We are also thankful to ourRead More

A Must Watch 82 Seconds About What We Do

wff bangladesh Jesus Christian love God

Helping Lift Up the Impoverished in Bangladesh

The mission for Jesus is marching forward in Bangladesh lifting up precious, impoverished souls. Teaching true repentance, how one must live Biblically holy as God commands and much more is being taught and the Good News preached. A video update below covers this months update in detail. Below you willRead More


Does Your Son or Daughter or Sibling Live in a Dump?

These people are not lazy… They did not get themselves in this situation (living in a dump) like so many (not all) on the streets of the 1st World do. To absolutely no fault of their own, these precious souls were viciously lied to and have ended up living inRead More

Dinajipur Bangladesh Impoverished Poor Banner Khulna

Serving in Dinajpur Where Poor Children are BANNED From Attending School

Imagine you and your children are treated as dirt and not allowed to be educated, participate in the world and get a job, etc. That’s what we found this year as we expanded our mission into Dinajpur, Bangladesh. What we saw was gut wrenching as old women and men wereRead More

Dinajpur Bangladesh Serving Jesus Banner

2 Newer Fellowships Flourish & Praying for a Church – School Building

Back in March of this year, we were invited to the very Northern part of Bangladesh (Dinajpur). A few short months later, we have established 2 small fellowships and a leader is emerging that will prayerfully, after intense spiritual training/discipleship, become an incredibly valuable overseer for GMFC/WFF in the area.Read More

Important Bible Verses for Children and 10 Follow-Up Questions

Important Bible Verses for Children and 10 Follow-Up Questions

These are some good foundational scriptures to start children off when introducing the Bible to them. Genesis 1:1-5: In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. 2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit ofRead More

Djnapur Bangladesh June 2022 Outreach Banner

New Mission Fields Forming in the Impoverished & Rural Dinajpur Bangladesh


Bangladesh Update All Mission Fields April 2022 Banner

Food Distribution & The Bread of Life Preached in Bangladesh

April 11, 2022 Praise the Lord Christ love to all brethren. First of all we are praising to our Lord Jesus Christ for His love, mercy and grace in our lives and mission. We are also grateful to our dear brethren for their prayers and support for Bangladesh mission. WeRead More

dINJAPUR 1ST miSSION Trip Bangladesh Banner

Heartbreak to Hope as New Fellowship Forms in Dinajpur Bangladesh

The indigenous missionaries of Bangladesh were invited to the Northern most part of the country to a place called Dinajpur. First, they ministered to the downtrodden. Imagine being totally forgotten by the world and the only place you could live is in an animal pen? This is heartbreaking, but, weRead More

Bangladesh Presses on for Jesus

Praise the Lord,Christs’ love to all dear Brethren. We are praising our Heavenly Lord Jesus Christ for His Mercy, love and grace in our life and mission work. We are also thankful to our all dearer brethren because of their prayer support and love for us and mission as well.Read More

Bangladesh Global Mission For Children Working Faith Fellowship Update January 2022

Resisting Unrighteousness While Supporting the Downtrodden

Last two months in 2021 we couldn’t visit our mission fields because of total lockdown for “corona” but our local pastors shepherded their own local mission fields respectively, praise Jesus. In the beginning of this year 2021, the whole world was attacked by the plandemic, even Bangladesh. We tried toRead More

Bangladesh Missions Update

2021 Annual Report – Working Faith Fellowship Bangladesh

Praise the Lord. Christ Love to all dear brethren. At first we are praising and giving thanks to Almighty Lord Jesus Christ for His abundant love, mercy and blessing in our lives and ministry as well. We are also thankful to dear brethren for their love, prayer and support toRead More

Bangladesh Modesty Teaching Women Banner

Modesty for True Christians in Bangladesh

Brother Dyaniel Biswas updates us on the teachings that are going forth on the Bangladesh mission fields. Praise the Lord Christs’ love to you, brother. At first we are praising and giving thanks to our Almighty Lord Jesus Christ for His abundant love, mercy and grace in our life andRead More

Working Faith Fellowship Church Bangladesh Youth Fellowship 10-2021 Banner

A Most Blessed 3 Day Youth Meeting Yields Much Fruit

Below is a report on the WFF Youth Meeting from our dear indigenous missionary bro Dyaniel Biswas (Evangelist / Project Coordinator of Children and Woman’s Welfare): Praise the Lord Christ’s love to all brethren. First and foremost, we are very happy and thankful to our Heavenly God and we areRead More

Global Mission for Children Bangladesh Schoolchildren

The Unrighteous Lockdown Lifted in Bangladesh

Praise the Lord. All Glory to God with us as we are doing mission in Bangladesh with His blessing. This month (September 18th) we visited our 3 mission fields after many weeks of strict lockdown. We started this hot day journey at 6:30am very because we had to complete 3Read More

Preaching Jesus in a COuntry that is 90% Islam Muslim and 9% Hindu Bangladesh

Preaching Jesus in a Country that is 99% Islam and 9% Hindu

We are incredibly blessed to have multiple fellowships in the remote villages of Bangladesh. In the video below, you will witness an incredible seen where one of our Pastor’s is teaching the brethren the Holy Bible while the government plays Islam chants over the loudspeakers. Jesus is Lord and nothingRead More

covid baanner corona third 3rd world devastation lockdown

The Lockdown Turns Dire in Bangladesh

I was on a video call with our Bangladesh indigenous mission leader, Hilton Biswas, and he informed me there is a dire situation because of the most recent and strictest lockdown to date with no help locally as there was months ago. Bottom line, people are starving and we need toRead More

GMFC WFF Bangladesh Update Banner World Vision International

Restricted but Resolute in Bangladesh

The unrighteous lockdown continues in Bangladesh and surely has done great harm to many, however, the brethren fight on for Jesus’ sake sharing the Good News. The 3 fellowship/homeschools we started a few months back are educating over 75 children, praise God. Movement has been restricted for weeks where peopleRead More


Worshipping and Teaching Christ the Lord in Bangladesh

Many people believe Jesus is Saviour but few truly love Him and believe He is Christ the Lord and obey Him as commanded (John 14:15). This is one of the biggest sins that Lukewarm “Revelation 3:15-16” Christians commit and sadly, this will lead them to an eternal Lake of Fire.Read More

Donate to Bangladesh Christians

3 Christian Church Based Schools Launched

A quick video update of the GMFC / WFF mission fields in Bangladesh. A highlight is we launched three Christian Schools in Bangladesh, a country that is 90% Muslim and 9% Hindu. Glory to Jesus. Watch the video below for the full report. HELP US FUND THE SCHOOLS & MISSIONARIES

Winter Blankets Blessing the Bangladesh Brethren

Winter Blankets Bless the Brethren in Bangladesh

We have 300 families in our Bangladesh fellowships and many needed winter blankets. We were able to provide 52 precious souls with these warm blankets so far this season. There is no electricity in these poor, remote villages so they only way they can keep warm is by covering themselvesRead More

the saints of Bangladesh serving Jesus Donate

The Saints of Bangladesh Walk in Jesus’ Footsteps

The holy saints of Bangladesh are “walking as He (JESUS) walked” as commanded in 1st John 2:6. They continue to serve the Lord day and night by evangelizing, preaching and teaching while taking care of the orphan, widow and least of these. A huge blessing is upon this blessed missionRead More

Global Mission for Children Bangladesh Jesus Update November 2020

The Bangladesh Brethren “Walking as Jesus Walked”

The dear Bangladesh brethren are obeying God’s word, verse by verse. One being 1st John 2:6 “He that saith he abideth in him ought himself also so to walk, even as he walked.” You can see in the pictures that they are evangelizing from house to house, praying for andRead More

Walking as Jesus Walked Banner Bangladesh Jesus Christian

Walking as Jesus Walked in Bangladesh – 1st John 2:6

From local fellowship teaching and worshipping the Lord to passing out Gospel tracts and praying for the downtrodden, the faithful Bangladesh brethren are following in His steps ministering the Good News. THEY TEACH HOW ONE MUST “WALK AS JESUS WALKED” HERE ON EARTH TO MAKE HEAVEN 1st John 2:6 “HeRead More

The Lord's Work in Bangladesh Banner

Prayer, Preaching & Poultry in Bangladesh

From our 2 remote village mission fields comes the blessings of preaching, teaching, serving and even a new chicken coop for 100 chickens. This will provide much needed sustenance and a little income for some dear brethren that have been struggling greatly, especially since the lockdown. Join us in helpingRead More

GMFC Teaching and Worshiping Jesus is Bangladesh Christian God

Teaching & Worshiping Jesus in Bangladesh

The lockdown in the 3rd World puts great restrictions that the governments uphold with much force, if necessary. We are blessed that the leaders on the mission fields are wise and serpents and do everything in their power to continue to fellowship and feed the flock both Spiritually and physicallyRead More

GMFC Farm in Bangladesh How to Christian Grow Food

The GMFC Farm is in Full Operation

Years of hard work has truly paid off. Financial seeds as well as much prayer resulted in an incredibly self-sustaining farm on our mission field in Bangladesh. In fact, we are now able to incubate about 500 duck and chicken eggs per month which will be sold as well asRead More

Prayer for GMFC Bangladesh Chicken Farming Pen Pastor Namai

A Prayer for a Bangladesh Village Pastor

I have been incredibly blessed to be able to support and disciple brother Namai Sarkar. He has been a faithful servant of Christ and with our ministry since 2017. He is very poor and we have decided to start a business for him so he can become self-sufficient. Here isRead More

incubator bangladesh christian Jesus

Duck & Chicken Eggs are Incubating in Bangladesh

Another great blessing is happening on the Bangladesh mission field as we have just installed the first duck and chicken eggs in the incubator we bought a few months back. A big delay to get electricity because of the lockdown but it’s installed now and working. Please consider helping usRead More

GMFC WFF Bangladesh June 2020 Update Banner

Christ is Glorified in Bangladesh

The lock-down has really been devastating for the 3rd World. When one makes $2 or $3 per day and it’s suddenly taken away, its life threatening. No “stimulus” checks… No soup kitchens, etc. We have been doing all we can to help these precious souls. Please join us to helpRead More

Bangladesh Covid 19 collage

COVID-19 Relief Needed Immediately for Bangladesh Brethren

As the worldwide pandemic continues, the 3rd World is being hit the hardest due to incredibly restrictive shutdowns. Brother Hilton updates below: Praise the Lord. All Glory to God. We are very thankful to the Lord for His blessing to us. In this crucial COVID situation, God kept us inRead More

gmfc Bangladesh Banner Update Collage

Fishin’ for Souls While Farming for Support

UPDATE 3:24:2020: The indigenous Bangladeshi missionaries continue their labours day and night for Jesus. Enjoy the video update below. CLICK HERE TO SPONSOR A CHILD CLICK HERE TO SPONSOR A WIDOW

Bangladesh Sponsor a child

God’s Creation Provides for the Bangladesh Brethren

It all started 3+ years ago when we wanted to get the Bangladesh mission field as self-sufficient as possible. From buying a 1/2 acre of fertile farmland to digging 2 fish ponds to the fruit trees and vegetables, all has been progressing each and every month as we enter ourRead More



The dear brethren are working day and night on the mission fields of Bangladesh preaching the gospel, discipling the brethren in Godly fellowships, and loving their neighbors as commanded. Also, the GMFC farm is providing a great harvest and we are now seeing the 300 ducks grow at a greatRead More

gmfc wff Bangladesh year end 2019 banner

GMFC Bangladesh 2019 Year End Update

From having to shut down our beloved elementary school in Bangladesh to the addition of 300 ducks to our mission farm, this video is surely worth watching ’til the end.

The Mission Farm Almost Done!


The Bangladesh School May Be Saved!

I was going to write to announce we were shutting down the Bangladesh school at the end of the year, but, after a video call with Hilton & Daniel Biswas, our Bangladesh overseers, I got incredible news! I was notified that the farmland we bought a couple years ago willRead More

GMFC WFF bangladesh Christians Jesus is God

Rice, Graduation & Open-Air Church

Be blessed as you view our Bangladesh mission fields video update. You will see our very 1st rice harvest, the grammar school graduation and our open-air churches. Please considering partnering with us as we are in need to save our Christian Grammar School. BECOME A MONTHLY PARTNER FOR ANY AMOUNTRead More

Bangladesh Tubewell tube well water irrigation christian collage

A Prayer for a Tubewell in Bangladesh

BROTHER HILTON UPDATES FROM THE GMFC/WFF BANGLADESH FARM PROJECT: Praise the Lord and all the glory to God. Greetings from the Bangladesh mission. Everything we are doing for His Glory. Thanks to the Lord for the land and home he has blessed us with where we can make money forRead More

gmfc wff update cyclone FENI College

Cyclone Fani Brushes by the Bangladesh Brethren

Praise the Lord and greetings from Bangladesh. We are praising God in our lives for His abundant love and mercy as we labour for and abide in Him. He is blessing the Bangladesh mission through GMFC and also working with the helpless, defenseless, and weak people. This is why weRead More

3-30-2019 Update Bangladesh Mission

Local Bangladesh Fellowships & the Christian School Flourish

A short video update from our Bangladesh mission fields. Please scroll below after you watch the video and help support these precious souls. We are looking for true Christians who want to fulfill scriptures like James 1:27, Matthew 25:34-36, Proverbs 31:20, etc.

gmfc Bangladesh banner post daniel pastors tapon niami shamir

Building for Jesus in Bangladesh

Update from Bangladesh in the video below. Please pray to help these precious souls as they continue to labour for Jesus day and night in a country that is 90% Muslim and 9% Hindu. “All things are possible…”

GMFC Bangladesh update collage

Take a Day Trip with the Indigenous Bangladesh Missionaries

Join brothers Daniel and Shamir as they travel to multiple mission fields to minister to the brethren and the lost.

Bangladesh Missions Update

The Farm Flourishes and the Fellowships Rejoice

Below you will find two videos, one updating the GMFC mission farm and the other updating multiple fellowships we oversee and support in Bangladesh. Enjoy and to Jesus be all the glory.

Bangladesh Vlog Update Dhaka Khulna Voting Political Upheaval

The 1st Vlog Update for GMFC/WFF Bangladesh


GMFC WFF BAngladesh collage update 2-1-2019

A Prayer Request from Bangladesh to Continue the Christian School

Praise the Lord. We are giving to all brethren a warm welcome from Bangladesh. We are really grateful to our Heavenly God because He is continuing to help us in our mission work as we abide in Him. We are also giving thanks to our all brothers and sisters whoseRead More

GMFC Bangladesh Banner Update Collage

Many Prayers Answered in Bangladesh

Praise the Lord, Christ’s love unto all brethren. As in the beginning, we are very grateful to God for His abundant love, grace and blessings in our life, which we can realize as long as we are obedient to Him. This is why we acknowledge that He is the almightyRead More

bANGLADESH uPDATE christian school Collage

Bangladesh Churches, Farm & Christian School Update

Praise the Lord. First, I am giving thanks to the Lord, Jesus Christ. He is always with us and blessing our steps and works for spreading His Kingdom as we obey and abide in HIM. We are also thankful to our brothers and and sisters, those who are praying forRead More

Bangladesh Update Banner December 2018 Collage

The Bangladesh Christian School Expands & Food for Christ

Praise the Lord, We are giving all brethren a warm welcome from Bangladesh. We are really grateful to our Heavenly God because He is helped us in our mission work continually. We are also giving thanks to our all brothers and sisters who are praying and supporting the Bangladesh mission. We areRead More


Abundant Blessings & Prayer Requests for Help in Bangladesh

Praise the Lord, We are giving to all brethren a warm welcome from Bangladesh. We are really grateful to our Heavenly God because He is continuing to help us in our mission work. We are also giving thanks to our all brothers and sisters whose are praying and supporting ourRead More

Bangladesh Land Fish Chicken Goat Mango Collage

A Piece of “Paradise” in Bangladesh

Praise the Lord. All Glory to God. We are very thankful to Lord for His blessing to us. We are working in Bangladesh with His blessing and support from His people. We are very thankful also to all brother and sister who are praying and supporting us for Bangladesh mission.Read More

Ocober banner gmfc wff bangladesh

A Harvest of Souls & Food in Bangladesh

PRAISE REPORT OCTOBER 20TH, 2018 BANGLADESH: Praise the Lord. All Glory to my Lord, His blessing and mercy for us. I am very thankful to Lord because He using me and my team for His Kingdom in Bangladesh. We are working to reach those who have not heard about my LordRead More

GMFC WFF World Vision Bangladesh Compassion International Sponsor a Child

Much “Fruit” on Multiple Mission Fields in Bangladesh

Praise the Lord, We are giving to all brethren a warm welcome from Bangladesh. We are really grateful to our Heavenly God because He is continuing to help us in our mission work. We are also giving thanks to our all brothers and sisters who are praying and supporting theRead More

GMFC Bangladesh Farmhouse Budget Border 900x300

A Special & Urgent Request from the Bangladesh Brethren

We have a very special and urgent request from our Bangladesh mission field. As many of you know, after years of prayer and planning we bought a 1/2 acre piece of land in Bangladesh to help the brethren become self-sustaining and also be able to have some income to help not onlyRead More

Bangladesh Sick Christian Help Poor Povery

A Prayer for a Meeting House in Ullodanga Bangladesh

Praise the Lord, Christ’s love to the brethren. We are giving thanks and praise to Almighty God. He shows His love and mercy in our life as we do His will. We are also thankful to all brethren because they pray for us. Ullodanga Mission Field & Fellowship We areRead More

The Harvest is Coming in Bangladesh

Praise the Lord. We are so thankful to our brethren who are praying for  and supporting us continually. God works through His children and has surely touched many through GMFC. We are working in Bangladesh as soldiers of God. Besides preaching the Gospel, we have a Christian school named EverlightRead More

gmfc bangladesh banner

The Nets Are Filling up in Bangladesh

God’s loves to all brethren. 1 Timothy 1:12 “I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who has given me strength, that he considered me faithful, appointing me to his service.” We are very thankful to our Living God Jesus Christ who and blesses us for His Holy and Royal Work. He reaches outRead More

Bangladesh Baptisms Khulna Tala Chritian Child sponsorship sponsor a child

Baptisms, Breaking Bread & Sweet Worship in Bangladesh

Praise the Lord. Christ’s love to all brethren. We are very grateful to our Almighty Lord Jesus Christ as He protects us a we labour for Him. He gives us His love, mercy and provision in life for our work spreading His Kingdom. We are thankful to our brethren whoRead More

Baptisms in Bangladesh GMFC WFF World Vision Compassion International Jesus Christian

Baptisms in Tala Bangladesh

Praise the Lord. All Glory to God, with His blessing we are working in Bangladesh. God created us for His Glory, we are His servant and He is our father. He sent His only Son Jesus Christ for our Salvation and He died for our sin. He commands us toRead More

collage Jesus Christian World Vision Children

July Update for 3 Bangladesh Mission Fields

Praise the Lord, Greetings from Bangladesh. We are praising God in our lives for His abundant love and mercy. He is blessing the Bangladesh mission through GMFC as we minister to the helpless, defenseless and downtrodden. This is why we are grateful to our omnipotent God. We are also thankfulRead More

Bangladesh Christians Donate to the Poor Christian Child Sponsorship Compassion World International Vision give

Fish, Fruit Trees, Vegetables & More for Jesus in Bangladesh

The video below is an update from our Bangladesh mission field. The progress is astounding as we have thousands of fish and thousands of shrimp in the pond. We also have dozens of fruit trees planted (mango, banana, etc) and a vegetable garden. There is much more to do asRead More

Bangladesh Christians Donate to the Poor Christian Child Sponsorship Compassion World International Vision

Incredible Progress on the Bangladesh Mission Farm & Fish Pond

Praise the Lord. We are grateful to our Almighty God (Jesus Christ). He is worthy to be praised. According to Bible, The book of 1 John 5:14 “This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us”. We have beenRead More

Bangladesh Update Working faith fellowship Global Mission for Children

Bangladesh Christian Grammar School Update & Outreach to Impoverished Hindus

Immediately below is a video update from our GMFC Everlight Elementary School. After that, you will see an update from our mission field leaders as they went on outreaches to impoverished Hindu areas. Praise the Lord & greetings from Bangladesh towards all Brethren. First, we give thanks unto our AlmightyRead More

Muslims & Hindus Hear the Gospel in Bangladesh

The brethren continue to preach the Gospel in the remote villages of Khulna Bangladesh and beyond. Please pray and support these brethren as they labour day and night for the Lord.   


After 2 years of planning and prayer, look what the LORD has done. We are starting work on the farmland we secured for HIS glory. Join us in helping these brethren as they labour for souls day and night in a country that is 90% Muslim and 9% Hindu.  Read More

Muslims Hear the Gospel in Bangladesh

Praise The Lord. Yielding Christ’s love to all brethren; I am really grateful to my Savior Jesus Christ who always instills blessings to the obedient and giving me strength for His royal work. I am also giving thanks to my all brothers and sisters. Because they are continuing pray forRead More

Bangladesh Celebrates & Preaches The Risen Christ Everyday

Brother Hilton updates below: “Praise the Lord and his blessings and mercy for us. All Glory to Him. I am very thankful to Lord because He using me and my team for His Kingdom in Bangladesh. We are working to evangelize and serve those who have not heard about myRead More

Tala GMFC WFF Bangladesh christian child sponsorship

Hindu’s Hear the Gospel on a New Mission Field in Bangladesh

Praise the Lord and greetings from Bangladesh to all Brethren of Christ. I am brother Hilton and provide you with this update. We are really thankful to our Heavenly God who always helps us. Our Almighty God always leads us to unreached people. We believe that we are working underRead More

Sundarban Bangladesh Jesus Christian Mission Outreach Donate

The Remote Sundarban Bangladesh Hears The Gospel

This month, 3 of our team members update from Bangladesh in their own words below as they returned from an evangelical outreach to the Sundarban mangrove. A remote and dangerous area: GMFC reached at Mangrove Forest (Sundarban) Praise the Lord, Greetings from GMFC Bangladesh. All Glory to God, His blessing withRead More

wff gmfc christian child sponsorship

Shining Physical & Spiritual Light in Bangladesh

Brother Hilton updates us from the mission fields of Bangladesh in word, video and pictures below: Praise the Lord. All glory to God for His blessing. Here is the update from last Sunday on our mission fields of Tala and Uludanga. I am very grateful to Lord because He gaveRead More

GMFC WFF bangladesh school christians sponsor a child sponsorship donate

GMFC Everlight Elementary Christian School Bangladesh

A video from our Christian school in Bangladesh. It’s an incredible blessing to be able to have this school in a country that is 90% Muslim and 9% Hindu! Join us below as we want to expand and reach more of these precious souls. Brother Hilton updates below: Praise theRead More

WFF Bangladesh Balnner

A New Years Brings Many Blessings

JANUARY 1st UPDATE: Praise the Lord & Greetings from Bangladesh! I am given you today’s visitation update report. At first we are gave thanks to our Heavenly God for His abundant grace, then, all brethren were praying for the Bangladesh mission. We (Hilton & Daniel) went to our mission fieldRead More

wff gmfc blanket distribution

Decade Old Low Temperature Record Broken in Bangladesh

At least 20 people have died and several hundred have fallen ill due to the worst cold spell of the last 50 years to hit in Bangladesh.  The country has a usually tropical climate characterized by mild winters. But two days ago Panchagarh recorded the lowest temperature in the country,Read More

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