God’s Creation Provides for the Bangladesh Brethren
It all started 3+ years ago when we wanted to get the Bangladesh mission field as self-sufficient as possible. From buying a 1/2 acre of fertile farmland to digging 2 fish ponds to the fruit trees and vegetables, all has been progressing each and every month as we enter our 3rd year building the farm. We are just completing a long-term project to build living quarters and also bought 300 ducks a few months ago which complete our original plan. We bought an incubator with 600 egg capacity being delivered any day as 60+ people have approached the brethren wanting to purchase baby ducks. Praise Jesus! The last piece of the puzzle is purchasing a small electric dump scooter to haul the dozens of pounds of feed from the market and to haul the fish, meat, fruit and vegetables to market. It’s just $2,000 and will provide for years and years. They now have to hire someone to drive them to get the feed, etc.
Please consider giving to help us purchase this much needed blessing to complete the Bangladesh farm and to help these brethren bless so many physically with daily bread while using the funds to further the Gospel.