Author: Jimmy
Christ is Glorified in Bangladesh
The lock-down has really been devastating for the 3rd World. When one makes $2 or $3 per day and it’s suddenly taken away, its life threatening. No “stimulus” checks… No soup kitchens, etc. We have been doing all we can to help these precious souls. Please join us to helpRead More
COVID-19 Relief Needed Immediately for Bangladesh Brethren
As the worldwide pandemic continues, the 3rd World is being hit the hardest due to incredibly restrictive shutdowns. Brother Hilton updates below: Praise the Lord. All Glory to God. We are very thankful to the Lord for His blessing to us. In this crucial COVID situation, God kept us inRead More
Fishin’ for Souls While Farming for Support
UPDATE 3:24:2020: The indigenous Bangladeshi missionaries continue their labours day and night for Jesus. Enjoy the video update below. CLICK HERE TO SPONSOR A CHILD CLICK HERE TO SPONSOR A WIDOW
God’s Creation Provides for the Bangladesh Brethren
It all started 3+ years ago when we wanted to get the Bangladesh mission field as self-sufficient as possible. From buying a 1/2 acre of fertile farmland to digging 2 fish ponds to the fruit trees and vegetables, all has been progressing each and every month as we enter ourRead More
The dear brethren are working day and night on the mission fields of Bangladesh preaching the gospel, discipling the brethren in Godly fellowships, and loving their neighbors as commanded. Also, the GMFC farm is providing a great harvest and we are now seeing the 300 ducks grow at a greatRead More
GMFC Bangladesh 2019 Year End Update
From having to shut down our beloved elementary school in Bangladesh to the addition of 300 ducks to our mission farm, this video is surely worth watching ’til the end.
The Farm Feeds the School
After a couple years of labour, the GMFC Bangladesh mission farm is producing a harvest for dozens and soon we are praying it will produce enough to not only support all brethren that need help, but also give the mission field enough to save the Christian Elementary School and alsoRead More
The Bangladesh School May Be Saved!
I was going to write to announce we were shutting down the Bangladesh school at the end of the year, but, after a video call with Hilton & Daniel Biswas, our Bangladesh overseers, I got incredible news! I was notified that the farmland we bought a couple years ago willRead More
Rice, Graduation & Open-Air Church
Be blessed as you view our Bangladesh mission fields video update. You will see our very 1st rice harvest, the grammar school graduation and our open-air churches. Please considering partnering with us as we are in need to save our Christian Grammar School. BECOME A MONTHLY PARTNER FOR ANY AMOUNTRead More