GMFC / WFF Bangladesh Update August 2023

The Original Update from WFF Bangladesh

Praise the Lord

Christ’s love to you all dear brethren from Bangladesh. At first we are giving all glory and praise to the Lord, because of His wonderful love, mercy, strength and blessings for us and Bangladesh mission. We are also thankful to our dear brethren for their love, supports and prayers to the Bangladesh and other mission around the world where we are working togather for the name of Jesus Christ.

We are preaching Jesus Christ’s name and serving to the destitut and unreached people some part of Bangladesh. As Jesus says in the book of Matthew 28:20 “Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen.” The very last word before going to heaven, he has commanded his disciples to teach the people. According to His command we go to new places, areas with the word of God, we go village to village, house to house with spiritual food for them, we teach them, we preach to them the way of sulvation as Jesus saied. That why this time we went to visit some new villages of Nouga district. We preached there in one village where all people are christian, but they are not in the right way. Apart from this field we also visited some more fields, where all people are hindus. even we also gathered with children. We preached to them about Jesus Christ, the only way to salvation. We asked them some general and religious questions to get some informations. We got some informations about their family, society, children, religion etc. One field we found some sicks children and one disable, abnormal child. We gave their parents some money to buy food and medicine for their children. We also gave food to other children. After completing Nouga fields visition, we went to Dinajpur, where we have our old fields. there we gathered with our believers, whom we gave them baptism. We did a church fellowship with them. We preached them to follow the God’s commandments. We also gave them Holy communion or Lord’s supper. After that we all togather had a good food fellowship. We also did children gathering in Dipons field. Even we visited Tunto ram’s family. We gave him some money and bought a ceiling fan as blessings. We talked with him and his wife and taught them from bible, as well as prayed for them. We also bought one ceiling fan for dipon’s brother in law, where we they do the believers church service. During our field visition we faced some bad weathers, but we never stoped for preaching gospel. One whole day we had a meeting and fellowship with our brethren, who are working WFF mission in bangladesh. That day we asked about their field works, their conditions and problems etc, we also gave them some mission work ideas and taught them from the Bible.

Again thank you dear brother for your prayers and blessings for field visition. Please keep praying for us, and bangladesh mission. This time we are glad to see you brother jimmy with jeremain and Ishmael togather. We are pray for Jeremain and Ishmeal, God keeps them safe. We believe that God shall be glorified through them. We also pray for your hard labour, and secrifices for God’s kingdom. Love you all brethren.

God bless you all

Note: we will write you an email about Tunto ram’s family and needs.

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