Author: Jimmy

Tala GMFC WFF Bangladesh christian child sponsorship

Hindu’s Hear the Gospel on a New Mission Field in Bangladesh

Praise the Lord and greetings from Bangladesh to all Brethren of Christ. I am brother Hilton and provide you with this update. We are really thankful to our Heavenly God who always helps us. Our Almighty God always leads us to unreached people. We believe that we are working underRead More

Sundarban Bangladesh Jesus Christian Mission Outreach Donate

The Remote Sundarban Bangladesh Hears The Gospel

This month, 3 of our team members update from Bangladesh in their own words below as they returned from an evangelical outreach to the Sundarban mangrove. A remote and dangerous area: GMFC reached at Mangrove Forest (Sundarban) Praise the Lord, Greetings from GMFC Bangladesh. All Glory to God, His blessing withRead More

wff gmfc christian child sponsorship

Shining Physical & Spiritual Light in Bangladesh

Brother Hilton updates us from the mission fields of Bangladesh in word, video and pictures below: Praise the Lord. All glory to God for His blessing. Here is the update from last Sunday on our mission fields of Tala and Uludanga. I am very grateful to Lord because He gaveRead More

GMFC WFF bangladesh school christians sponsor a child sponsorship donate

GMFC Everlight Elementary Christian School Bangladesh

A video from our Christian school in Bangladesh. It’s an incredible blessing to be able to have this school in a country that is 90% Muslim and 9% Hindu! Join us below as we want to expand and reach more of these precious souls. Brother Hilton updates below: Praise theRead More

WFF Bangladesh Balnner

A New Years Brings Many Blessings

JANUARY 1st UPDATE: Praise the Lord & Greetings from Bangladesh! I am given you today’s visitation update report. At first we are gave thanks to our Heavenly God for His abundant grace, then, all brethren were praying for the Bangladesh mission. We (Hilton & Daniel) went to our mission fieldRead More

wff gmfc blanket distribution

Decade Old Low Temperature Record Broken in Bangladesh

At least 20 people have died and several hundred have fallen ill due to the worst cold spell of the last 50 years to hit in Bangladesh.  The country has a usually tropical climate characterized by mild winters. But two days ago Panchagarh recorded the lowest temperature in the country,Read More

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